dinsdag 30 juni 2015

What can I do about cellulite on my legs?

What can you do about cellulite on your legs?
Nothing.  Really…..nothing. 
Don’t waste your money on special creams, machines, or diet pills that claim they will eliminate the cellulite because it is simply NOT true!

What can you do about cellulite on your legs?
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I took these pictures to illustrate a weighted step up, and then I sat there and thought “Ugh, look at my legs!  They are disgusting, I cannot put this picture on the internet for the world to see my cellulite!”   The younger version of me would put on capris so no one could see my “imperfections”.


This new, older (wiser?) , THIS IS REAL LIFE version of me could care less. Yes, I still have moments of wishing my legs were perfect, but they are not…….so I just need to move forward.

While it is true that my legs have cellulite, it is also true that:

*I have 4 healthy little boys
*I have an amazing wonderful boyfriend.
*I am awesome.

Focus on your strengths and embrace your imperfections!
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In this picture, I’m able to do weighted step ups.  My glutes are strong, my body is healthy, and I am happy.
(So take THAT cellulite! )

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Ashley Horner's Magnify You Trainer

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What can I do about cellulite on my legs?

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