dinsdag 30 juni 2015

Why You Need a Weight Loss Buddy

Everyone needs weight loss buddies. Don't try to do weight loss alone! Going it alone will hurt your chances to achieve permanent weight loss. Why? Because permanent weight loss takes a short-term and long-term commitment from you....commitments are hard to keep all by yourself.

Research has proven that you are more likely to succeed with your weight loss and fat loss goals if you have a weight loss buddy (social support or accountability partner). Who are your weight loss buddies? It helps to have more than one because life's events are unpredictable.

3 reasons why weight loss buddies help you succeed:

1. Accountability - A little healthy weight loss competition never hurts a cause. Don't forget, you must have significant fat loss for weight loss to be healthy and lasting. This requires you to lose weight the right way---no fad dieting or quick weight loss gimmicks.

Its important to keep in mind that you are trying to change your lifestyle to one of health and fitness. The weight loss is just one tool to help you get it done. You have to be committed for a lifetime---through the ups, downs, successes and failures.

2. Expectations - All other things being equal, people will generally live up or down to expectations. Just make sure your expectations are realistic or you will be set up to fail.

For instance, if you need to lose 100 pounds, how will you get that accomplished? Some things you may need to consider:

a. Have you really ever exercised for an extended period of time? If you have no experience to draw from, you will need to take baby steps, like starting with walking.

b. How long have you been inactive? If its been awhile since you exercised, you won't be able to do an intense circuit training workout right away.

c. How quickly do you want to lose 100 pounds? Although you may lose pounds quickly at the beginning of your exercise program (like 10 pounds the first week), it will be tougher to burn fat and lose weight in the weeks and months ahead. For example, losing 2 pounds and burning .5% body fat will be good progress during many weeks. So, it may take a year or longer to lose 100 pounds the right way.

d. You may have health problems that slow your progress. If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, you will need your doctor's clearance before beginning an exercise program. You will have to start out slower than someone who is more healthy. The good news is that these two conditions can be reversed with exercise and healthy, managed nutrition.

3. Support - Its a long, never-ending road to burning fat, losing weight, changing your body and maintaining weight. Support from someone going through the same thing is very important.

Also, inform family members and friends early on what your body-changing intentions are....the more support, the better. On the opposite end, avoid people who will have a negative attitude about your weight loss intentions. There are many would-be haters out there to help you fail.

Here are some examples of good weight loss buddies:

1. Spouse
2. Friend
3. Personal trainer
4. Brother/Sister
5. Exercise group (bootcamps, group classes, neighborhood groups, running groups)
6. Teammate
7. Co-worker
8. Social website

Basically, your weight loss buddy could be anyone who knows what you are attempting to do and will encourage you along the way (even tough love if necessary). Weight loss buddies are great if they are serious about fitness and have made commitments similar to your own. You hold each other accountable.

Be sure and download your Free Bodyweight 500 Metabolic Fat Burner Workouts and start shaping your body faster! There are 3 levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced. Get a buddy to join you!

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES

What can I do about cellulite on my legs?

What can you do about cellulite on your legs?
Nothing.  Really…..nothing. 
Don’t waste your money on special creams, machines, or diet pills that claim they will eliminate the cellulite because it is simply NOT true!

What can you do about cellulite on your legs?
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I took these pictures to illustrate a weighted step up, and then I sat there and thought “Ugh, look at my legs!  They are disgusting, I cannot put this picture on the internet for the world to see my cellulite!”   The younger version of me would put on capris so no one could see my “imperfections”.


This new, older (wiser?) , THIS IS REAL LIFE version of me could care less. Yes, I still have moments of wishing my legs were perfect, but they are not…….so I just need to move forward.

While it is true that my legs have cellulite, it is also true that:

*I have 4 healthy little boys
*I have an amazing wonderful boyfriend.
*I am awesome.

Focus on your strengths and embrace your imperfections!
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In this picture, I’m able to do weighted step ups.  My glutes are strong, my body is healthy, and I am happy.
(So take THAT cellulite! )

Never underestimate the power of a workout!

Ashley Horner's Magnify You Trainer

copyright owned by www.workoutmommy.com Please do NOT reprint without permission.

What can I do about cellulite on my legs?

zondag 28 juni 2015

Online computer game can help shed weight and reduce food intake

A simple new computerised game could help people control their snacking impulses and lose weight.

Eating in the absence of hunger: A recipe for expanding waistlines

A QUT research study has concluded that compulsive snacking is another leading cause of weight gainA QUT researcher has had an article on how compulsive snacking is a major cause of weight gain...

Weight loss plus vitamin D reduces inflammation linked to cancer, chronic disease

First study of its kind to test effect of vitamin D and weight loss on inflammatory biomarkersFor the first time, researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center have found that weight...

donderdag 25 juni 2015

Experts call for dropping of total fat intake limits

Researchers recommend that restrictions on total fat consumption should be removed from the forthcoming 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

I hate to train…..

Confession time…..I hate to train triceps. Dips bore me and I find using dumbbells uncomfortable, so I pretty much just avoid them.

A few weeks ago, I decided I was going to make an effort to train them one time a week and see what happened. I didn’t take a before pic…..but as you can see, there they are! Yay!


I still hate doing them…..but sometimes we have to step out of our comfort zone,right?!

What muscle group do you hate to train and why? 

PS: I absolutely LOVE my Bowflex dumbbells, even on tricep training days! (day 21 of the #summerstrong challenge) I highly recommend them!

Ashley Horner Fitness

copyright owned by www.workoutmommy.com Please do NOT reprint without permission.

I hate to train…..

Should I see a Nutritionist?

Steph lowe sideA Nutritionist is a tertiary qualified professional who specialises in the application of nutrition for health and wellness. In Australia there are no precise Government guidelines or legal requirements around the use of the term ‘Nutritionist’, so please check the individuals qualifications and level of experience prior to seeking their advice.

You should see a Nutritionist if you are:

  • Unusually fatigued, run down or constantly unwell;
  • Training for an event such as a half marathon, triathlon or ultra endurance race;
  • Suffering from digestive issues;
  • Gaining weight or stuck in a weight loss plateau;
  • Needing support making changes to your current nutrition;
  • Requiring clarity regarding nutrient density or information you have read in print or online.

What happens in your first consultation:

In your Initial Consultation, your Nutritionist will clarify your goals and ask you to identify the areas where you require guidance and support. A thorough case history including medications, will be taken and your current health status will be discussed. In order to gain a clear and concise picture of the current situation, your food diary and training schedule will be examined and you will be asked questions where applicable around factors including energy, digestion, sleep, performance and recovery. Female clients will be asked questions regarding their menstrual cycle and family planning strategies.

From there your Nutritionist will discuss the prioritisation of the changes required. This will be dependant on your goals and includes example such as meal structuring and nutrient density, food preparation, a new sports nutrition strategy and/or further testing requirements.

Your Nutritionist may request the following;

  • blood tests
  • salivary hormone tests
  • allergy testing and
  • DNA testing

A follow up consultation will then be booked for between a fortnight and a month and you will be given your list of goals to complete before then. Often you will be required to continue completing your food diary, so initial monitoring of the changes can take place. The ultimate goals is that you are supported through your health, wellness and performance goals. When you find the right person to assist you, you can achieve your goals in the most well rounded way, with the education and support you require.

Steph Lowe, the Natural Nutritionist

Steph Lowe is leading Australian Sports Nutritionist specialising in gluten free and refined sugar free food, fuelling and real food education. She says…

At The Natural Nutritionist, we offer a number of program options which allow our clients to be upgraded to the most appropriate level of education and support required. Our program options range from ‘Real Food Living’ for families to our ‘Elite Performance Program’ for endurance athletes. The programs include additional support and the required amount of time to support the clients’ nutrition, health and wellness goals. For more information about our program options and to become a client of The Natural Nutritionist please visit www.thenaturalnutritionist.com.au

The post Should I see a Nutritionist? appeared first on Amelia Phillips.

dinsdag 23 juni 2015

Take it to the track! Sprinting and lunges make a great workout! (giveaway)

trackWorking out alone is awesome but I tend to push myself when I know someone else is watching.
Especially if they are watching my watch,  LOL!

One of my favorite summertime workouts is to hit the track for some hard core sprints.  They give me the most bang for my buck and are a great way to burn FAT!  Kohl’s sent me some Armitron watches to test out,  one for me and one for a friend.


Since the watch tracks splits, I figured it was a perfect match for my track workout. (usually I use my phone, but that is big and hard to carry)   I like that this watch is not bulky and that it can be worn anywhere without being obvious that it is a sports watch.  It was easy to use, not too many bells and whistles, and it worked great!

I did 10 sprints,  all ranging between 18-20 seconds each.  In between each sprint, I did 20 walking lunges.  Yes, I might have needed some help to my car after it was all said and done!   I have a love/hate relationship with track workouts, can you relate?  (If you need some great ideas for track workouts, I highly recommend this track workout plan. )

I gave my friend Jamie the other watch, sent her the workout plan, and I am waiting for her results.  (ahem….)

Want to win an awesome Armitron watch for yourself?   I have 2 of these to giveaway to one lucky reader!


Take it to the track!#MakeYourMove @Kohls Sport Fitness Watch Giveaway
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Enter thru Rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post but my opinions and love for sprints are all my own! 

Ashley Horner's Magnify You Trainer

copyright owned by www.workoutmommy.com Please do NOT reprint without permission.

Take it to the track! Sprinting and lunges make a great workout! (giveaway)

zaterdag 20 juni 2015

WSU scientists turn white fat into obesity-fighting beige fat

A new twist on the health benefits of resveratrolWashington State University scientists have shown that berries, grapes and other fruits convert excess white fat into calorie-burning "beige" fat...

5 Deliciously Healthy Summer Party Themes

Lisa Johnson blogs at TrueFoodMovement.com, where you can find healthy recipes and fun ideas about food.  Hot dogs, burgers, ice cream…summer parties can wreak havoc with your waistline. We’ve got five summer party themes that let you kick back and enjoy yourself instead of counting calories. FIESTA Think more salsa, less queso. Mexican food comes [...]

On Fridays, we flex!

Last weekend I hiked Old Rag Mountain and it was probably the hardest hike I have ever done!


The view from the top was gorgeous though, and I met a new friend Albert who agreed to flex with me on this rock! :)


On Fridays, we flex!
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Here is round up of various flex it Friday pictures!  Have a great weekend! IMG_8708

IMG_8511IMG_8239 IMG_8467
familyflex uberfit IMG_4993 IMG_6408 flex

copyright owned by www.workoutmommy.com Please do NOT reprint without permission.

On Fridays, we flex!