Don't feel bad if you feel lost and confused with a lighter wallet.
Prioritize your goals. It will keep you headed in the right direction, with Goal #1 being improved overall health. Reducing inflammation, digestive problems and body fat are just 3 items that rank above weight loss as goals.
How are your energy levels during the day? Are you crashing and burning at certain times? The foods you eat or don't eat play a huge part in your energy levels and productivity.
How has your skin health been lately? Yes, you guessed right....what you eat affects how your skin looks and feels.
If you have been starving yourself trying to lose weight, STOP! It won't work and its not worth the trouble.....
Back to natural and organic foods.....
Eating naturally simply means that you eat foods as close to their natural state as possible. Natural foods have one ingredient, the food itself. That would eliminate packaged, processed, fried, boxed and fast foods. It leaves you eating whole, natural foods like vegetables, fruits, fish, nuts, spices, herbs and salad greens. Some call it eating clean.
Eating natural foods also protects you from cravings such as the dreaded "sugar cravings." Your body will be naturally energized during the day with whole foods that keep you satisfied and you will never crash will little or no energy.
What does it mean when that fruit or vegetable you're looking at says "ORGANIC?"
Here are some facts to help you know what type of "organic product" you're buying:
1. Your product is 100% organic.
a. It must be 100% organic, not including water or salt.
b. The certifying agent must be listed on the product. The "USDA organic" seal can also be used if the agency works with the USDA.
c. An ingredient list must show on the product, if it is more than one ingredient.
2. What if the product claims to be "organic?"
a. It must have at least 95% organic ingredients, not including water and salt.
b. The product cannot contain sulfites.
c. Up to 5% of the product can be nonorganic.
d. The certifying agent must be listed. The "USDA organic" seal can also be used if the agency works with the USDA.
3. The product says, "made with organic ingredients." What does that mean?
a. The product must be at least 70% organic.
b. It cannot contain sulfites.
c. Up to 30% of the product can be nonorganic.
d. The label must list the organic ingredients as "organic" when other organic labeling is shown.
e. It must list the certifying agent but cannot use the "USDA organic" seal.
4. What if the product claims to have some organic ingredients?
a. The product can contain less than 70% organic ingredients.
b. It can have over 30% nonorganic ingredients.
c. The label must list the organic ingredients as "organic" when other organic labeling is shown.
d. The label cannot have the "USDA organic" seal, the certifying agency or any other reference to organic contents.
5. My general take on eating organic.
Buy 100% organic when you can. If you are buying non-organic or partially organic food products, make sure you wash the product as necessary.
For example "The Dirty Dozen" are known to be sprayed with high pesticides. The list includes: apples, celery, cherries, cucumbers, grapes, hot peppers, nectarines, peaches, potatoes, spinach, strawberries, sweet bell peppers
Eat as many whole, natural foods with one ingredient as you can. Burn fat, eat healthy and lose weight.
Do you want to:
- Eat Better to be Healthier, Burn More Fat and Lose Permanent Weight?
- Have Your BEST Looking Body Naked or in Smaller-Sized Clothes?
- Feel Better than You have Felt in Months or Years?
- Have the Energy to Accomplish Your Daily Goals?
Be sure and register for my FREE 3-Step Fix-Your-Diet-Now Plan!
I will coach you to transform your body and its definitely not just about weight loss. You will learn what it takes to change your eating habits and lifestyle and start remaking your body a healthy, energized and lean fat-burning machine!
I will coach you to transform your body and its definitely not just about weight loss. You will learn what it takes to change your eating habits and lifestyle and start remaking your body a healthy, energized and lean fat-burning machine!
Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
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