donderdag 28 april 2016

Fit in 60 seconds: how 1 minute of intense exercise can boost health

Engaging in intense exercise for just 1 minute three times a week is just as beneficial as 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise weekly, a new study suggests.

vrijdag 22 april 2016

Higher muscle mass associated with lower mortality risk in heart disease patients

Researchers from the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA found that cardiovascular disease patients who have high muscle mass and low fat mass have a lower mortality risk than those with other...

donderdag 21 april 2016

4 WILD Foods that Fight Belly Fat

by Prograde

Most of us don't just want to lose “weight”. We want to lose body fat. This is what really concerns us, cosmetically speaking, at least.

Body fat, referred to by scientists as adipose tissue, is the stuff that can hide shapely, defined muscles from view, make your bikini fit awkwardly (or not at all), put rolls on your belly, and so on. To lose body fat and prevent it from finding you again, you must burn more of it than you store. When you achieve this scientists say you are in negative fat balance, and it can be a very positive thing. Indeed, if you stay in negative fat balance long enough, then you will unquestionably lose body fat.

The supermarket is a great place to go for things that can increase body fat. But it's also home to some of nature's most powerful tools for helping you lose it. In this exclusive report we reveal 4 natural “slimming secrets” that can immediately increase your calorie-burning rate, the first and most critical step toward achieving a negative fat balance and fitting into your swimsuit properly again.

1.   Coffee (caffeine)

While the proportions may shift from moment to moment, your body always burns a mixture of three fuels: carbohydrate, fat and protein. Thus, if you increase your overall calorie-burning rate (a.k.a. metabolic rate), it's pretty much guaranteed that your fat-burning rate will go up, bringing you that much closer to the negative fat balance territory where real slimming occurs.


About 75% of the caffeine consumed in the United States comes from coffee, a product that no supermarket can be considered complete without. Caffeine is recognized worldwide for its ability to enhance alertness and performance. However, it also displays fast-acting calorie-burning properties. For instance, a study involving lean and overweight (obese) subjects reported that a single 100-mg dose of caffeine (equivalent to a little over 1 cup of coffee) was enough to raise their calorie-burning rate by up to 4% for 2.5 hours.

While a 4% increase may not seem like a big deal, it can turn into one. The scientists who conducted the study explain, “…if it is assumed that there is no compensatory increase in food intake, the increase [in calorie-burning rate] after caffeine would represent an energy deficit of 75-110 kcal/day. These changes may be small but over several months could accumulate and lead to substantial changes in body weight.”

But wait. Regular coffee drinkers know all too well that you can become tolerant to its energizing effects over time. Won't the same thing happen here? Fortunately, evidence suggests that caffeine's calorie-burning effects persist with repeated exposure. Case in point: The subjects in the above study were all mild to moderate consumers of caffeine, consuming anywhere from 250-500 mg per day, equivalent to ~3-6 cups of coffee. Yet they all enjoyed a calorie-burning boost from the relatively small dose given to them.

2.   Hot Pepper (capsaicin)
The waiter places a delicious meal in front of you that includes a spicy curry sauce. You devour it. For the next 30 minutes your calorie-burning rate is cruises at 10% above baseline, equivalent to burning an additional 129 Calories per day, or 27% of the caloric value of the entire meal. Sounds too good to be true? This fictitious scenario became a reality at Kyoto University in Japan when scientists gave young women a 481-Calorie meal consisting of a yellow curry sauce containing 3 mg of capsaicin.

Capsaicin is the compound responsible for the sharp, and for some of us, intolerably painful, sensation produced by eating hot red peppers. It's also to blame for the beads of sweat that appear on your forehead as you do so. Thus, it may come as no surprise to learn that deep inside the body capsaicin can increase your calorie-burning rate by stimulating a process known as thermogenesis. Thermogenesis essentially involves the release of calories in the form of heat. Once released, they can no longer be stored as body fat. In addition to increasing thermogenesis, capsaicin has been found to improve meal satiety (i.e. how full you feel after eating), thereby reducing your risk of overeating. In animal studies it has been reported to increase calorie-burning rate and reduce body fat. 

Of course, the single most powerful way to increase your calorie-burning rate and get into negative fat balance is to exercise. Here, too, capsaicin may boost your slimming efforts. When scientists gave healthy subjects capsaicin an hour before performing low-intensity exercise (stationary cycling), they burned more fat. The increase was impressive enough that the scientists suggested capsaicin be used as an adjunctive therapy in the treatment of elevated blood lipid levels and/or obesity.

3.   Ginger

Ginger works by protecting your fat cells from the free radical damage that turned them from bad to good.  Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a familiar spice, which has been used for centuries as a medicinal plant in many traditional medicine systems worldwide.  However, high-quality extracts are standardized to contain bioactive constituents / compounds know as Gingerols, Shogaols and Paradols.  Cutting-edge research as shown these compounds work to improve healthy fact cell signaling.

4.   Garlic

Although it is often only regarded as being useful for a healthy cardiovascular system and blood cholesterol, garlic-derived organosulfur compounds have demonstrated the unique potential to prevent new fat cell formation and also make existing fat cells release less inflammatory / less toxic hormonal signals.

woensdag 20 april 2016

TOP Slim Down Nutrition Secrets

by Kevin DiDonato, MS, CSCS, CES

People have known for years about the power of protein.  It may help you lose weight, provide essential amino acids for strong muscles, and provide you with plenty of vitamins and minerals, which are essential for your health.

But over the years, the fad of high-protein diets has lost momentum.


There are hundreds of different diet options to choose from.

The everyday consumer may be completely CONFUSED by what they hear.

Is a high protein-diet good for you?

Or is high-carb and low-protein a better option?

All the options can be quite confusing.

Gone are the days where a healthy diet was three square meals with meat and potatoes.

Now the guidelines have changed to include more fruits and vegetables, essential fats, and lean meats.

But what if I was to tell you that a high-protein diet MAY be beneficial to your health.

In fact, there is supporting research showing a high-protein, high-fiber diet may increase your feeling of fullness which may lead to weight loss.

High-Protein, High-Fiber Diets
Incorporating more protein and fiber into your diet may be a key to losing weight.

Not only do you burn extra calories by eating protein, but it takes longer for food to be absorbed by your body by increasing your fiber intake.

High protein may help aid weight loss by sparing lean mass, enabling you to burn more sugar and fat.

This may decrease your fat stores, especially your subcutaneous and visceral fat.

And I forgot to mention that you may even BURN more calories DIGESTING protein.

Your body tries very hard to not use protein for energy.

But during times of fasting or calorie restriction, your body may burn protein to use for energy.

Your body is so complex and unique that it saves your fat stores for future use.

Your fat holds TONS of stored energy which
your body uses in times of need
So it then uses your protein (muscles) to supply your body with the energy it needs to survive.
Less muscle mass = SLOWER METABOLISM
So when you increase protein in your diet, what happens?
Your body BURNs more energy to break down the protein.
You BURN more calories by DIGESTING protein than you would DIGESTING carbohydrates or fat.

And fiber is also pretty amazing.

Increased fiber intake may help fill you up leaving you satisfied for hours.

There are two different types of fiber, insoluble and soluble.

Soluble fiber dissolves easily in water, which allows it to pass through your system easier.
Insoluble fiber travels through your system undigested.
Fiber may be linked to weight loss and improvements in total cholesterol and your bad cholesterol, or LDLs.

But there is something else about a high-protein, high-fiber diet that you need to know about.

Fiber, Protein, And Satiety
Satiety is the feeling of fullness after you eat.

High protein and high fiber may help you stay full in between meals.


Protein may be the MOST important nutrient in meal satisfaction.

This full and satisfied feeling may help you LOSE WEIGHT.

You may notice a decrease in energy intake, therefore reducing the amount of calories your are EATING.
Research shows people on a high-protein diet are less
hungry in between meals and at mealtime
This means that when you do sit down to eat, you probably won't eat as much.

They also found people who enjoyed a high-carbohydrate meal with less protein were hungrier by the time they sat down for lunch or dinner.

They found a high-carbohydrate diet was less satisfying.

This may lead to overeating at mealtime after a high-carbohydrate meal.

They were HUNGRIER and ATE MORE.

The Best Answer

High-fiber and high-protein diets may increase weight loss, fat loss, and provide positive benefits to your cholesterol levels.

A high-protein diet may increase satiety after a meal and in between meals.
may be perfect for WEIGHT LOSS
This may reduce your energy intake, possibly resulting in MORE weight loss.

Fat loss accounted for most of the weight loss, possibly because of the sparing of lean tissue and the utilization of fat as your major energy source.

Interestingly enough, a liquid meal incorporating whey protein, water, and fiber showed increased satiety.

The benefit of a liquid meal is that it is available at ANYTIME and ANYWHERE you want.

All you need is water, Prograde Fusion, and a glass to mix it anywhere and at anytime.

And it may keep you from overeating at lunch and dinner.

A product, such as Prograde Fusion, may provide you with the right protein and fiber mixture, possibly helping you stay satisfied until your next meal.