dinsdag 24 november 2015

Beating the cold weather winter blues

winter blues Now is about the time the winter doldrums start to sink in and I just feel this cloud of “ugh” wash over me, especially when it’s 5pm and already dark outside. I am NOT a fan of winter at all, how about you?

Here are 4 ways I am going to combat the winter blahs this year:

1. Exercise.

I am going to bundle up and head outside, no matter what the weather. Not only will the exercise do my body good, but the sunlight and Vitamin D will help boost my mood all day long.  My body hates being cold, so I like to layer up with quality workout wear.  This top and running tights from Asics are perfect for winter weather running.

2. Sleep.

I never get enough sleep.  I tend to stay up late because honestly it’s the only time my house is quiet and I just want to enjoy every second,  but it’s just not good for my body or mind. I need to shut off the electronics as soon as the kids go to bed and focus on getting at least 8 hours for myself.

3. Eat better.

I am a stress eater.  I love to stuff my feelings with brownies and while I am fully aware at how destructive this behavior is….I still do it. The reality is these sugar-loaded foods will make you feel worse, not better. Making healthier food choices will give your body the energy it needs.

I need to learn to acknowledge and deal with my feelings instead of trying to stuff them away. It’s a daily struggle for me,  can you relate?

4. Hold on tight and enjoy the ride.

Yes, winter might be depressing but it is a fact of life around where I live. As with anything difficult in life,  this too shall pass. I bought a sun therapy lamp as well, which will give my body some much-needed Vitamin D and sunlight. If I close my eyes tight enough, it’s just like being on a beach, right?  :)

Ashley Horner Fitness

The post Beating the cold weather winter blues appeared first on Workout Mommy.

woensdag 4 november 2015

Moved in!

I haven’t blogged in a month!  It’s been a whirlwind as I moved (again!)—this time to a whole new town.

My workouts have suffered, as has my sanity.

Everything I owned was crammed into a truck and we spent a few days living out of a suitcase at a friend’s house.IMG_1862My friend had a few pieces of workout equipment and I was thankful for a few quick workouts during the transition from homes. IMG_1882 IMG_1887
We left town and arrived at our new place on Sunday! The kids have met tons of neighborhood kids and started their new schools today.  Fingers crossed that is a positive experience for them!  IMG_1906 I am so happy to have my home set up again, this time the space is a little bigger!  :) IMG_1913IMG_1914

I was hoping to join a gym/crossfit in the area so I could meet some fun people, but I don’t think that is going to work with my schedule and budget.  Bummer.  (anyone out there in Midlothian, VA? ) 

Now that I am moved in, I need to get back on track with healthy eating, consistent workouts, and better sleeping.

Have you fallen off the wagon lately?  Let’s get back on together!  Here is my plan!

Ashley Horner's Becoming Extraordinary Trainer

Ready, set ….GO!!!!!

The post Moved in! appeared first on Workout Mommy.

dinsdag 3 november 2015

Bursts of high-intensity exercise could help diabetes patients manage low blood sugar levels

People with type-1 diabetes could regain their ability to tell when blood sugar levels are low by regularly doing short bursts of high-intensity exercise, according to a preliminary study presented...