zaterdag 28 februari 2015

Top Guide for Fat-Burning Breakfast Foods

by ProGrade

As any dieter will tell you, skipping meals is a no-no when trying to lose weight.

Skipping meals slows down your metabolism, makes you hungrier at your next meal (tendency to overeat), and could alter your calorie

However, for some reason people tend to skip at least one meal per day, even though they know that it is wrong.

Which one is the most commonly skipped meal: breakfast!

Breakfast jump-starts your day by providing a good nutritional foundation that you can build on with every meal.

It boosts your metabolism, keeps you alert (through those boring office meetings), and may even keep you fuller, for longer periods of time, potentially preventing overeating at your next snack or meal.

There is still one problem that needs to be discussed, and that has to do with time.

Most people are under a time crunch to get the kids off to school and to get to the office or morning meeting on time. This leads to skipping the most important meal of the day, which could seriously alter eating habits throughout the rest of your day.

Why Breakfast is Important

When you skip breakfast, you are fostering an environment of tiredness, grogginess, moodiness, and starvation, which could lead to poor food choices when you finally do get to eat.

If you include the right foods at breakfast, you may find increased energy, increased alertness, and best of all, you are not hungry and daydreaming about the next chance to eat.

Including a complex carb (sprouted whole-grain bread, oatmeal, etc.), a moderate amount of high-quality protein (eggs, cottage cheese, etc.), a fruit or a vegetable, and some essential fats, you may find your appetite is in control and you are ready to finally face your day.

The following is a list of the Top Four Best Breakfast Foods to Eat on a Time Crunch:

Quick Food #1: Berries (raspberries especially)

Raspberries or berries, in general, are a great pick-me-up in the morning.

Full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, the tiny little fruits are great for filling up your stomach and controlling your appetite.

One cup of raspberries touts eight grams of fiber.

Plus, most berries (raspberries included) are a slowly digested fruit, which means your blood sugar creeps up slowly, which causes a slow release of insulin in your body.

This may prevent the “peaks and valleys” that you experience throughout the day, due to this slow release of sugar into your blood.

Berries have also been shown in research to boost brain power and improve cognitive function as you get older.

Quick Idea: Combine these tasty little nutritional powerhouse’s with low-fat yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese to start your day off on the right foot.

Quick Food #2: "Real" Oatmeal

What can be said about steel-cut oats?

Most people know that you need to eat real oatmeal (not the processed, instant kind) for heart health and cancer prevention, but most people still do not eat it for breakfast.

Oatmeal, which contains plenty of fiber, has been shown to slow digestion, which could keep you feeling full until your next meal.

The fiber in oatmeal has been shown to control appetite, reduce cholesterol, and may even contribute to weight loss.

In one study, they showed that eating a bowl of oatmeal a few hours before your workout, may boost fat burning.

Quick Idea: Steel-cut oats only takes five minutes to cook on the stovetop. Top it off with some flaxseeds or almonds for a great protein and essential fatty-acid source.

Quick Food #3: Homemade Smoothie

If you have ever stopped and got a commercial smoothie, then you are running the risk of sabotaging your weight loss results.

Most commercial smoothies are packed full of added sugar, which could result in increased insulin levels and greater fat storage.

Homemade smoothies, when made with coconut milk, skim milk, almond milk, low-fat yogurt, and frozen fruit or berries will provide you a
whopping serving of nutrition, essential fats, and plenty of vitamins and minerals that will keep you alert and focused through the morning hours.

Quick idea: Invest in a blender, some low-fat yogurt, frozen fruit, and make your own smoothie at home, saving extra calories from sugar and higher-fat content.

Quick Food #4: Almond Butter

Almond butter is made by crushing almonds and making a paste out of it.

Almonds, in general, are a highly-nutritious food that contains fiber, protein, essential fats, vitamins, and minerals that your body needs in order to function at its best day-in and day-out.

You get healthy levels of Vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, and phosphorus, all which are vital for the health of the cells in your body.

Plus, almonds contain essential fatty acids (in the form of ALA), which depending on what your body needs at the time, can convert these fats into the omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA.

Quick Idea: Spread a couple tablespoons on two pieces of sprouted grain bread, and you have a quick, nutritious, breakfast that you can take on the go!

Boost Your Morning Brain Power

Including breakfast in the morning will stave off hunger fits, control your appetite, and could even boost your metabolism, priming your body for fat loss.

Click the image below and download your PDF Cheat Sheet of Breakfast Foods you can add to your grocery list.

Please share this article so others can benefit from and print this breakfast cheat sheet

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zaterdag 21 februari 2015

5 SECRETS to Build Your Dream Body

You won't build your dream body without burning major fat. Successful fat loss and lasting weight loss are processes that take time for you to accomplish. You will have failures and make many adjustments along the way. Have a "never quit attitude" about changing your body and improving your health.

Afterall, what better thing can you do for the only body that you have.......make the commitment today.....

Here are 5 secrets to help you succeed with fat loss to get your lean, dream body:

See: 3 Undependable Weight Loss Methods

1. It has been proven that you will be more successful if you try to accomplish one major goal at a time rather than trying to accomplish two or more major goals at the same time.

Here is a great goal to start with: burn fat. That will require you to improve your eating habits and do regular strength and interval cardio training. Don't even worry about losing weight at this point. Just burn body fat (lose inches, shrink your body). Check your body fat percentage once a week to see if you need to make adjustments.

2. Build foundational body and core strength so your body will hold up under intense training to come. If you're injured, you will not reach your goals.

See: 3 Tips to Stabilize Deep Core Muscles for a Flatter Stomach

Weak body cores lead to back and other related trunk injuries. Others have weak opposing muscle groups. An example would be having strong triceps but weak biceps, or strong chest muscles but weak back muscles.

Do full body workouts, which will include core strength exercises and total body flexibility exercises. This way your workouts will focus on your "weak links" while training the other parts of your body.

See: 5 Top Exercises for Adrenaline Rush and Fat Burning

3. Quality of movement in an exercise should come before trying to increase the amount of weight you lift in that exercise. Doing this will avoid injuries due to incorrect execution of an exercise. Bodyweight exercises work well for this purpose.

Performing a weight (or resistance) exercise incorrectly can cause pain in your joints, back or other unintended areas. For example, the squat or lunge should primarily work and strengthen the glutes,quadriceps and hamstrings. If you feel unusual pain or stress in your back or knees, this could signal injury or incorrect performance of the exercise.

4. Focus on compound or multi-joint exercises in your workouts. These exercises work major muscle groups and help you burn more fat. Exercises like squats (with or without weights), step ups, deadlift, rows, bench press, planks, squat jumps and lunges all apply here.

Top interval cardio exercises are walking or running uphill, bodyweight cardio and shuttle runs.

5. Maintain and/or improve muscle mass throughout your life to slow the effects of aging and keep your metabolism humming.

Numerous studies indicate that muscle mass may decline by 20% to 40% between age 20 and age 65. Muscle inflexibility, joint/tendon/ligament stiffness, bone loss and decreased range of motion also comes along with inactivity. You can stop a significant portion of this deterioration of muscle mass and mobility by using a regular strength and conditioning program throughout your life.

A slow or sluggish metabolism is not the major cause of weight gain. A caloric imbalance is the cause of weight gain. If you consistently eat more calories than you burn in a day (caloric surplus), you will continue to gain weight and fat.

Regular exercise and an active lifestyle will help you burn more calories during the day and at rest. I recommend that you walk at least 30 minutes every day, even on the days you workout.

Burn fat, lose weight and stay healthy! Download your Free Bodyweight 500 Metabolic Fat Burner Workouts. Start shaping your body faster! There are 3 levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced. Start at your level.

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES

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11 Secrets on How Habits Make You

Your HABITS are powerful tools--good or bad. They make you. Make sure you are cultivating productive habits and stopping destructive habits--as soon as TODAY!.

Here is a thoughtful list of 11 points about habits:

I am your constant companion.

I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden.

I will push you onward or drag you down to failure.

I am completely at your command.

Half the things you do might just as well be turned over to me and I will be able to do them quickly and correctly.

I am easily managed — you must merely be firm with me. Show me exactly how you want something done and after a few lessons I will do it automatically.

I am the servant of all great people and, alas, of all failures, as well.

Those who are great, I have made great.

Those who are failures, I have made failures.

I am not a machine, though I work with all the precision of a machine plus the intelligence of a person. You may run me for profit or run me for ruin —if makes no difference to me.

Take me, train me, be firm with me, and I will place the world at your feet. Be easy with me and I will destroy you.

Who am I?

I am habit!

~Author Unknown

What will you do to consistently improve your exercise and eating habits? Need help?

Burn fat, lose weight and stay healthy.....Download your Free Bodyweight 500 Metabolic Fat Burner Workouts. Start shaping your body faster! There are 3 levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced. Start at your level.

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES

woensdag 11 februari 2015

3 Powerful Fat Burning Carbs

by Kevin DiDonato, MS, CSCS, CES

But you’re worried that if you eat them, they will add to your saddlebags…

Well, be afraid no longer!

I am here to set the record straight on the one food that people avoid because they think it will cause them to gain fat…

Carbs are NOT the enemy!

In fact, carbs are a much needed food when you’re trying to lose fat.

But there’s something to remember…

See: What to Eat After a Hard Workout

Carbs and Fat Loss

It’s very important to remember that carbs may be very beneficial to your health.

But there are some exceptions…

Carbs – like doughnuts, desserts, and candy bars – are NOT beneficial carbs to your health.

Not only do they add fat to your belly, hips, and thighs, but they may also increase your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and even some cancers.


Not all carbs are like this! Not all carbs may increase your risk for certain diseases…

…or lead to an ever expanding waistline!

For example, sprouted grain bread (a type of whole grain bread) may contain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that could speed up your metabolism.

Plus, these foods contain fiber – a nutrient that may wrap itself around food particles – which could slow the rate of digestion, therefore slowing the rate of sugar that is absorbed by your body and sent into the bloodstream.

This could decrease the amount of insulin that is released, therefore slowing the rate of fat gain that could be associated with a high amount of carbs.

So, what carbs do we recommend? These are some good ones to start:

1. Barley

Barley is a cereal-type of grain that possesses a world of beneficial nutrient.

Not only is it chock full of potent vitamins and minerals, it also contains plenty of fiber.

And that fiber may control blood sugar, boost your fat loss, and increase your meal satisfaction.

Now, the fiber in barley may also act as a food for the trillions of bacteria that are found in your gut.

You see, when your gut bacteria ferments the fiber found in barley, it may produce butyric acid, a major fuel source for your intestines.

And when you have a healthy gut, these bacteria may produce two important acids – propionic acid and acetic acid – which may have cholesterol-lowering effects via the liver.

You can mix this grain in with pancakes, muffins, or any type of breakfast food you could think of!

2. Quinoa

There is so much to say about the powers of quinoa that a simple section like this just doesn’t do it justice.

But, we will sure try!

The main driving factor behind quinoa is the amount of fiber that is contain in this powerhouse grain.

This grain may contain TWICE the amount of fiber than other carbs and grains.

The increased amount of fiber may further slow the rate of digestion, therefore leading to a much slower release of blood

This could slow the release of the fat-storing hormone, insulin, therefore adding to your overall weight loss.

Plus, quinoa may also produce less free fatty acids. Too many free fatty acids may lead to insulin resistance, which makes it that much harder to keep your blood sugar levels in check.

3. Sweet Potatoes

Another food that is packed full of nutrition is sweet potatoes which are a perfect food for boosting your fat loss.

But that’s not the secret to sweet potatoes' fat burning power…

Sweet potatoes may increase levels of Adiponectin – a very powerful protein that interacts with your brain.

When you have higher levels of Adiponectin, you may see drops in your insulin levels.

And this may increase your fat loss in the long run!

Three Powerful Carbohydrates

Most people avoid carbs, either due to some sort of fad diet or because they’re afraid they will gain fat.

However, carbs are not the enemy when it comes to fat loss…

In fact, carbs are a much needed nutrient if you want to push your fat loss to the next level.

Avoiding certain carbs – like sugary junk foods and desserts – may lead to improvement in your body composition.

However, including the THREE carbs from above may boost your fat loss, leaving you leaner and toner than ever before.

So, go ahead, indulge a little…

You may see a flatter stomach and thinner legs before you know it!