zaterdag 31 januari 2015

How Healthy Is Your Gut?

Are you one of 70 million people suffering from digestive diseases in the United States? You might be… and not even know your gut is the cause!

Discover how your digestive health is intimately linked to your immune, endocrine, circulatory and central nervous systems at The Healthy Gut Summit, free and online from February 9-16, 2015.

This event features one-on-one interviews with 32 of the world’s most beloved and respected thought leaders and physicians. As they each share fascinating new insights and research on how gut health impacts our most basic physiological processes–including how we think and behave–a story will unfold showing that a healthy gut is the foundation for physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Register for FREE now at the following link:

Healthy Gut Summit

The Healthy Gut Summit will provide you with all of the information you need to:

  • Understand the rise of chronic disease and the symptoms that signal their presence.
  • Learn how your environment affects your gut microbiome.
  • Receive practical advice about dealing with diet, stress, toxins and parasites.
  • How to speak with your doctor about diagnosis and treatment!
With over 32 expert presenters sharing their wealth of knowledge, this invaluable (and FREE) resource is intended for men and women everywhere!

Come listen to The Healthy Gut Summit ONLINE for FREE, and be inspired to improve your health from February 9-16, 2015.

Register for FREE at the following link today:

Healthy Gut Summit

I’ll see you at the Summit!

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
My Fitness Hut

donderdag 29 januari 2015

How Safe Is Vaping?

An estimated 2.1 million people use e-cigarettes in the UK and about half a million in Australia. But are they the healthiest alternative to smoking? As a lot of you might know, Formaldehyde,...

The post How Safe Is Vaping? appeared first on Amelia Phillips.

woensdag 28 januari 2015

STUDY: Sugary Drinks Linked To Early Puberty

Girls who drink more sugary beverages get their first periods earlier than those who limit their intake of such drinks, and the effect may slightly raise their risk of getting...

The post STUDY: Sugary Drinks Linked To Early Puberty appeared first on Amelia Phillips.

dinsdag 27 januari 2015

Top Fitness People To Follow On Social Media

From empowering entrepreneurs to elite athletes and beach babes to respected doctors, the inspiration to live a healthy and fit life is at our fingertips, quite literally. What’s amazing is...

The post Top Fitness People To Follow On Social Media appeared first on Amelia Phillips.

maandag 26 januari 2015

First Look at the 17 Day Diet Body Breakthrough

When the 17 Day Diet debuted in 2010, it became an instant favorite, spending more than 75 weeks at the top of the New York Times best sellers list. When the Breakthrough Edition released in January 2014, it was massively popular. So popular, you chose the 17 Day Diet as the Most Popular Diet of [...]

zondag 25 januari 2015

Camaraderie at Weight Watchers may falter as you near your goal

If you're trying to lose weight, Weight Watchers might seem like the ideal place to share advice and get support.

vrijdag 23 januari 2015

New study shows veg diets boost weight loss

Adopting a vegetarian diet causes weight loss, even in the absence of exercise or calorie counting, according to a new meta-analysis published as an online advance in the Journal of the Academy of...

woensdag 21 januari 2015

Jamie is definitely one fit mommy!

Today’s fit mommy is Jamie, who also happens to be one of my in-real life best friends! Jamie is a busy mommy to 4 girls yet makes the time for fitness and stays in shape with Crossfit! She also has a great Etsy shop that you should check out –> A Forest Frolic Please read on for […]

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Jamie is definitely one fit mommy!

See How the Stars are Dieting in 2015

Diet is the word of the season, no matter what you claim as your profession. Celebrities aren’t immune, and their diet proclivities make front-page news. Here’s how some of the biggest names have lost some of their winter pounds, whether living in the real world or prepping for the red carpet season ahead. Gwyneth Paltrow [...]

dinsdag 20 januari 2015

109-Year-Old Woman’s Secret To A Long Life Is Avoiding Men

Love, sex and cuddles might bring joy to our lives but this 109-year-old Scottish woman is breaking all rules. Jessie Gallan, Scotland’s oldest woman shares her tips and tricks to...

The post 109-Year-Old Woman’s Secret To A Long Life Is Avoiding Men appeared first on Amelia Phillips.

8 Ways To Get A Flatter Stomach

You do crunches and you hold the plank, but the midsection has still not reached the level of ‘toned’ you want it to. 62% of women say the body part they’re...

The post 8 Ways To Get A Flatter Stomach appeared first on Amelia Phillips.

6 Ways to Beat Sugar Cravings

by Christa Orecchio

1: Never drink coffee by itself; reduce or eliminate caffeine
Coffee without breakfast in the morning is a recipe for a sugar craving disaster kind of day. You see, when we wake up (if we have healthy adrenal glands), we are supposed to secrete the stress hormone cortisol, which helps us start our day. Many of us are tired and under-slept, and therefore not producing enough cortisol, so we hit the coffee pot for a substance-induced “hit” of it.
Drink Coffee
Then this unnatural spike bathes our cells in cortisol and insulin can’t get in to feed them. When the cortisol bath wears off, our cells are screaming for insulin in the form of sugar to put out the “state of emergency” the body is experiencing.
So, if you must have your ceremonial cup of coffee upon waking, no problem, but have it with breakfast (or bulletproof style with coconut oil and grass-fed butter). Make sure that breakfast contains both protein and healthy fat. Alternatively or additionally, switch to green tea to lower your coffee/caffeine intake or do half-caf/ half Swiss-water processed decaf cup of Joe to cut your caffeine dose slowly.
2: Drink enough mineralized water
Mineral deficiency causes sweet cravings and purified or reverse osmosis water often doesn’t contain (enough) minerals. The purification or RO process does a great job getting out the bad stuff we don’t want, but unfortunately it can also filter out the trace minerals, which are essential to fully hydrate us.
So, choose mineralized (not mineral) water whenever you can or if you drink RO water, pick up a bottle of essential trace minerals at your local health food store and add a few drops to each glass. A good general rule of thumb for water is to drink 1 liter or 34 ounces per every 50lbs of body weight daily.
Drinking enough of the right kind of water will slash cravings, boost energy, and do wonders for your digestive and immune system. Speaking of minerals, chromium is a wonderful mineral to use temporarily to stabilize blood sugar and stave off sugar cravings while detoxing.
I routinely recommend 200mcg of chromium gtf (glucose tolerance factor) with both breakfast and lunch for 4-6 weeks.
3: Get cozy with complex carbohydrates
If you are a sugarholic, I challenge you to have 1 sweet potato with lunch everyday for five days and see how you do with sugar cravings. Paleo is a great, healthful diet, but I find a lot of super low carb, die-hard Paleo folks end up craving a lot of sugar.
Sweet Potatoes
Paleo doesn’t have to be low carb. In fact, if you are addicted to sugar, you need complex carbohydrates to slow the release of glucose in your blood stream to even out the spikes and dips that cause mood and energy imbalances and ultimately more sugar cravings.
I suggest have a complex carb with breakfast, lunch, and dinner regularly for at least a few weeks. Other examples of complex carbohydrates are black beans, brown rice, butternut squash, parsnips, yams, and plantains.
4: Use Gentle Sweeteners and Spices
Cinnamon, real cinnamon called Ceylon cinnamon (the typical grocery store cinnamon is the cassia variety) has been clinically proven to stabilize blood sugar and to have a healing effect on the pancreas.
Cinammon Sticks
Adding cinnamon to your coffee, breakfast smoothie, sweet potato, or whatever else you can think of is a great way to gracefully detox from sugar. It tastes sweet and satisfies your taste buds.
My other favorite natural sweeteners to use sparingly that will give you that sweet flavor without the negative biochemical reaction in the body are dark liquid stevia, coconut sugar, raw honey, and maple syrup. Start upgrading the way you use sweeteners and soon you will crave less and less.
5: Evaluate the amount of animal food you eat
Too much animal protein can create a “contracted” state as they say in Eastern medicine. The body then craves the opposite state, which is expansion. Sugar makes us feel that way.
When you think about it, the body never makes a mistake. It’s always craving to be in balance and works toward it the best way it knows how.
If you are eating animal protein with every meal, adjust that or maybe eat a bit less, and see if that helps. Alternatively, not enough animal protein creates sugar cravings. Evaluate how much animal protein you consume and begin to play with the amount to see how it affects your cravings and energy level.
6: Find the sweetness in non-food ways
There is no replacement for enough sleep. If we don’t sleep enough, the body will, again, try to create a balanced state by craving sugar. Rest and relaxation are underrated in our culture.
Be counter cultural and take time to rest and rejuvenate. Getting enough exercise in the form of movement you enjoy (versus dragging yourself to the gym) is another way to naturally cut down on sweet cravings.
At The Whole Journey, we call these things primary food. They are things that feed us other than food in ways that food never can. They also include honest, open relationships with people you enjoy being around, having fun and working play into your life, having a creative outlet you enjoy, and doing things that make you feel connected to the bigger picture.
Adding in more primary food to your life is a sure fire way to get sweetness, guaranteeing you will never miss the actual sugar!
Christa Orecchio is a former caffeine and sugar junkie who was raised on pizza, pasta, and antibiotics. Embarking on a healing lifestyle change of whole, REAL food, customized supplements, and lifestyle adjustments were beyond transformative for Christa, and inspired The Whole Journey

zondag 18 januari 2015

12 Habits that Improve Productivity and Focus

By Kevin Gibbons

"I don’t have time," "I couldn’t possibly do that this week ," "I’m so busy." How many times have you said something along these lines this week alone?

Do you cringe a little every time you say it? I know I do, because these are all nothing more than excuses.

Finding focus can be challenging—there’s always lots happening on a day-to-day basis for everyone—but no one else is going make you more productive. You have to make things happen, not let them happen.

You have to start with yourself. When you’re the founder of a company, it’s vitally important to have a clear vision on where you want to go. Once you know that, the most powerful thing you can do is to break this down into small daily changes that will take you there. If you can master that, then the rest will follow. Here’s how to start:


When you look at the habits of highly successful people, you’ll start to notice a common trend. Laura Vanderkam, who studied the morning rituals of top executives for her book What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast, found that the majority of these executive wake up before 6 a.m.

Waking up early is hugely underrated; it gives you a head start on everyone else at a time that allows you more focus with no distractions and when your mind is at its most alert.


Having structure isn’t a bad thing. When you know what you’re doing each and every day, it’s much easier to be focused on your bigger picture goals. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs have some pretty interesting daily routines.


Clearly there’s huge health benefits toward being fit. Yet if it’s not a part of your daily routine, exercise may be overlooked. Seventy-five percent of executives interviewed by executive jobs site The Ladders said physical fitness is crucial for career success at the executive level.

If you make time for exercise, it’s not just the health benefits you’ll notice. You’ll have more energy, more brainpower, less stress, you’ll be happier, and you’ll be able to think clearer to get more done.


If you don’t learn anything new, how are you going to improve? Try having a balanced mix between reading books that can trigger new ideas by taking on more strategic information and concepts and reading more tactical, shorter articles and blog posts that can keep you in touch with the latest trends within your industry.

As Warren Buffet said, "Read 500 pages like this every day. That's how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will."


I create for myself daily, weekly, and even monthly and yearly lists. This helps me to focus on the most important tasks for a given period and also prioritizes what’s essential to the bigger picture. Don’t just create these and forget about them; revisit them every morning, making them part of your daily routine.


If you don’t make time for it, it won’t happen. Lists are useful to focus on key actions, but to do it the right way it needs to be scheduled.

Make sure you’re realistic with the time you need to complete tasks and try to prioritize by value and importance. Also look to get the tasks you really don’t like done early. That way you can move onto the fun stuff you enjoy quickly afterwards—rather than procrastinating to find something/anything else to do, focusing on the task at hand.


Everyone likes to think they can multitask, but the reality is that no one really can do it well and you could be losing up to 40% of your productivity by trying.

If you’re already waking up early, use that time to plan the most important task of the day, so that you can get it done before anything else comes up.


Most of my creative ideas rarely come when I’m at a laptop. I personally find that nothing is more inspirational than reading a good book while I sit on the beach.

Unfortunately it’s difficult to do that every day, but you can get yourself into a similar mindset by taking regular breaks.

Try going for a walk, having a shower, or generally switching off. Find what works for you and embrace it.


If you work in an office, getting out is hugely important—this is one I’ve struggled with personally, but getting outside and taking a walk is hugely important toward keeping your mind fresh and active.

Still having the "I’ve got too much to do" excuses? Try taking a walking meeting with a team member, line it up with an afternoon phone call you need to make, or use it to brainstorm your latest ideas for a project. Just make sure you carry a notepad close by to capture those great ideas.


In the morning you have more brainpower, so make sure you use it to its full effect by keeping this time clear for the most important tasks; 3 p.m. is often suggested as the optimal time for meetings, since this allows for prep time and getting out of the sluggish after-lunch feeling. You can give this your undivided attention without the worry that you know there’s something else you should be doing.


How you manage your email habits can have a huge impact on your focus and productivity. What you need to strive for is a balance between not being controlled by your inbox and being able to respond within a timely manner.


You can’t just rely on willpower alone to ignore distractions. The constant pings and alerts you receive on your phone are often the most difficult to ignore.
Try removing any social apps and notifications that may interrupt you during the day. Likewise sign out of any social accounts from your laptop and limit checking down to a couple of times a day. Trust me, you really won’t miss that much.

All of this advice sounds easy in theory, but doing it—and sticking with it—is the hard part. There will always be good days and bad days. It’s a learning process for myself, too. But like anything, it’s all about forming long-lasting habits.

Once you start to focus your own time on what’s truly important, then you can really start to set yourself apart and bring that into how you can grow your whole business to new levels.

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES

vrijdag 16 januari 2015

Insulin cessation and diabetes remission after bariatric surgery

In a study published online in Diabetes Care, Ali Tavakkoli, MD, co-director of Center for Weight Management and Metabolic Surgery at Brigham and Women's Hospital, and co-authors evaluated the...

woensdag 14 januari 2015

Why more than a third of American clergy are overweight

More than a third of American clergy members are obese, with stress, longer hours, being underpaid and lack of self-care among the reasons, according to a Baylor University study.

maandag 12 januari 2015

Winner winner! And some awesome tanks!

First off,  here are the winners of the awesome giveaway from Thera-Gesic: Grand Prize Winner: Alicia Szemon Runners Up: Dawn Stokes Keenan-Banks and Janet Watson Congrats and thanks for entering!!! Next up is a new workout tank I got to show off for my recent Flex-it Friday picture: This one is from überfit and I absolutely love it!  I love […]

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Winner winner! And some awesome tanks!

Exclusive! Spaghetti Squash Chicken Alfredo Recipe from The Biggest Loser Bootcamp Book

Resolve to eat more vegetables. Or try new foods. Or eat more colorfully. Or reduce carbs. Or eat more home-cooked foods. Or just eat cleaner. Which ever one of these resolution categories your “diet” falls into, this dinner is a perfect fit. We snagged this Spaghetti Squash Chicken Alfredo recipe out of the new book [...]

zondag 11 januari 2015

Moving together as a family

I was fortunate enough to be an Ambassador for the Together Counts™ blog over the past year.  Together Counts™ is a fantastic organization that is all about teaching kids about moderation, energy balance, and having nutritious fun meals with your family. They also support the educational system with free lesson plan ideas to reinforce the importance of healthy, […]

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Moving together as a family

Healthy Dinner Menu for the Week Featuring Homemade Comfort Foods

  When it comes to the what’s for dinner? question, the struggle is real folks! We’re taking most of the guess work out with our new weekly meal plans! Turn Sunday in to Plan Day and you’ll be set right on through the weekend. We’ll even thrown in a few goodies, like a new side [...]

zaterdag 10 januari 2015

Infection/diet can cause genome wide expression changes in vascular tissue

Although it has been shown that a diet high in fat and exposure to certain bacteria can cause atherosclerosis (the buildup of fats, cholesterol and other substances on artery walls which can restrict...

donderdag 8 januari 2015

What’s in your smoothie?

I am curious, what do you put in your smoothies?   I load mine up with all sorts of goodies, here is my list: 1.  Vanilla almond milk:  less calories than regular milk but more calcium.  Dairy and gluten free. 2.  handful of Organic baby spinach:  gives it a punch of  iron and magnesium 3.  Chia seeds: […]

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What’s in your smoothie?

Soleil Moon-Frye Celebrates 23 Pound Weight Loss with Nutrisystem

Known best as the 80′s child star of Punky Brewster, Soleil Moon-Frye is back in the spotlight after losing 23 pounds. She credits Nutrisystem’s Fast 5 and My Way, a program she is emphatic about. “It has just been amazing,” Frye gushed to this week. She went on to discuss how after having her [...]

dinsdag 6 januari 2015

Novel diet pill fools body into burning fat from 'imaginary meal'

Researchers have created a new diet pill that they say tricks the body into thinking it has eaten a satisfying meal, causing weight loss and reduced blood glucose and cholesterol.

maandag 5 januari 2015

Ouch, my muscles are so sore! ($100 gift card giveaway)

I took an entire week of from ALL forms of exercise over the holidays.  It was probably the first time that ever happened and the break was wonderful on my sore body.  (although the first few days it was mentally killing me to be without my daily workout!) When I got home,  I was eager and […]

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Ouch, my muscles are so sore! ($100 gift card giveaway)

Female mice lifespan reduced by fructose-glucose mixture

A recent mouse study has found that consumption of a fructose-glucose mixture, found in high-fructose corn syrup, led to reduced lifespan and reproduction in female mice.