zaterdag 19 december 2015

3 BIG Stomach Fat Myths to Avoid

by Kevin DiDonato, MS, CSCS, CES

Fifty years ago, adding physical activity and changing your diet were all you needed to do to lose weight and keep it off.

However, flash forward to today, and the same formula for weight loss does not hold true.

In fact, today there are many other factors which contribute to weight gain, and why for millions of people worldwide, it is much harder for you (and them) to lose weight.

Chronic inflammation, which is low-level inflammation that is present in your body and could signal the start of many different disease processes, is on the rise and could be the leading cause for dysfunctional fat cells.

Dysfunctional fat cells, research suggests, could inhibit your fat cells' ability to secrete powerful hormones. These powerful hormones could be the key to helping you lose weight.

By not secreting these hormones, your body may have a harder time using stored fat, which could prevent you from having a lean and tone figure.

Today, we have debunked some of the common myths associated with your fat cells.

Myth #1: Your Fat Cells Are Just A Storage Unit - FALSE

People once thought of fat cells as pockets where fat from food goes - allowing for storage of fat to be used for energy later.

Now, however, research suggests that your fat cells are, in fact, alive and metabolically active.

Your fat cells, commonly known as white adipose tissue, could be the largest endocrine organ in your body.

Just like your thyroid and pancreas, your fat cells release many different hormones, which directly impact your weight loss success.

One hormone in particular, Adiponectin, could help you lose weight and keep it off.

However, research shows that being overweight could cause your fat cells to slow the secretion of Adiponectin and other key hormones, which could make it even harder for you to lose weight.

Chronic inflammation, which is low-level inflammation and is always present in your body, could cause your fat cells to become dysfunctional, therefore altering their ability to release powerful weight loss hormones.

Myth #2: Your Fat Cells Can Burn Off - FALSE

Your fat cells shrink but they do not burn off.

This means that during exercise, or cases of extreme fasting, your fat cells release stored fatty acids for use as calories (energy).

This could help to shrink the SIZE of the fat cells.

However, by overeating, there is an influx of calories which your body tends to store as fat.

And this could increase the size of your fat cells. However, when your fat cells are at full capacity, they send a signal to smaller, undeveloped fat cells, to divide and take on more fatty acids.

This could create more fat cells to store extra fatty acids.

Myth #3: What You Put in (and on) Your Body Can Slow Fat Loss - TRUE

There are a lot of factors involved when you are trying to lose weight now, than there were 50 years ago.

Exercise and diet do play a role in your body’s ability to burn stored fat; and this could enhance your fat cells' ability to secrete hormones, causing you to lose weight.

However, there are certain environmental factors which need to be considered when you are trying to lose weight.

Today, there are more hormones and antibiotics injected into livestock which, once eaten, could alter the hormone levels in your body.

Plus, there are also hundreds of chemicals that you are exposed to over the course of the day, which could also alter your hormone levels and lead to weight gain.

Certain chemicals act as endocrine blockers and potentially could alter your ability to gain lean mass by throwing your hormones out of whack.

This could increase the storage of fats from your blood, making it harder for you to lose unwanted belly fat.

Optimize Your Fat Burning Potential

Research suggests that your body could have toxic fat cells, which could limit your fat cells' ability to secrete powerful weight loss hormones.

Toxic fat cells could also increase your risk for developing heart disease, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes.

However, by losing weight and altering your hormone levels, you could have the ability to transform your fat cells, making them happier and healthier for years to come.

Ever wonder how companies make dietary supplements? Well, check out this video from Prograde Nutrition and you will see how they only use the best products and processes to make health and fitness supplements that work.

I don't know of any supplement company - other than Prograde Nutrition - that would have the guts to do this. And, I'm sure their competitors aren't too happy about it!

That's why I'm a Prograde Nutrition Partner.

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES

woensdag 9 december 2015

Put some ASICS and the new MetaRun on your holiday list!

Pssssstt!!  Be sure to take advantage of this fabulous sale over at ASICS!

Asics sale

I’ll take one of everything please?  :)

I was able to get my feet on a pair of their new shoes, the MetaRun and they are AMAZING!


They are all new ASICS technology that gives you superior fit, cushioning, stability and they are ultralight weight.  These would make the perfect gift for that runner in your life.  (or just for yourself!)

I love this tagline too –>  “MetaRun doesn’t just push the limits of performance, it shatters them.”

I’m ready to shatter some limits, how about you?
(especially my credit card limit! )  

The post Put some ASICS and the new MetaRun on your holiday list! appeared first on Workout Mommy.

dinsdag 24 november 2015

Beating the cold weather winter blues

winter blues Now is about the time the winter doldrums start to sink in and I just feel this cloud of “ugh” wash over me, especially when it’s 5pm and already dark outside. I am NOT a fan of winter at all, how about you?

Here are 4 ways I am going to combat the winter blahs this year:

1. Exercise.

I am going to bundle up and head outside, no matter what the weather. Not only will the exercise do my body good, but the sunlight and Vitamin D will help boost my mood all day long.  My body hates being cold, so I like to layer up with quality workout wear.  This top and running tights from Asics are perfect for winter weather running.

2. Sleep.

I never get enough sleep.  I tend to stay up late because honestly it’s the only time my house is quiet and I just want to enjoy every second,  but it’s just not good for my body or mind. I need to shut off the electronics as soon as the kids go to bed and focus on getting at least 8 hours for myself.

3. Eat better.

I am a stress eater.  I love to stuff my feelings with brownies and while I am fully aware at how destructive this behavior is….I still do it. The reality is these sugar-loaded foods will make you feel worse, not better. Making healthier food choices will give your body the energy it needs.

I need to learn to acknowledge and deal with my feelings instead of trying to stuff them away. It’s a daily struggle for me,  can you relate?

4. Hold on tight and enjoy the ride.

Yes, winter might be depressing but it is a fact of life around where I live. As with anything difficult in life,  this too shall pass. I bought a sun therapy lamp as well, which will give my body some much-needed Vitamin D and sunlight. If I close my eyes tight enough, it’s just like being on a beach, right?  :)

Ashley Horner Fitness

The post Beating the cold weather winter blues appeared first on Workout Mommy.

woensdag 4 november 2015

Moved in!

I haven’t blogged in a month!  It’s been a whirlwind as I moved (again!)—this time to a whole new town.

My workouts have suffered, as has my sanity.

Everything I owned was crammed into a truck and we spent a few days living out of a suitcase at a friend’s house.IMG_1862My friend had a few pieces of workout equipment and I was thankful for a few quick workouts during the transition from homes. IMG_1882 IMG_1887
We left town and arrived at our new place on Sunday! The kids have met tons of neighborhood kids and started their new schools today.  Fingers crossed that is a positive experience for them!  IMG_1906 I am so happy to have my home set up again, this time the space is a little bigger!  :) IMG_1913IMG_1914

I was hoping to join a gym/crossfit in the area so I could meet some fun people, but I don’t think that is going to work with my schedule and budget.  Bummer.  (anyone out there in Midlothian, VA? ) 

Now that I am moved in, I need to get back on track with healthy eating, consistent workouts, and better sleeping.

Have you fallen off the wagon lately?  Let’s get back on together!  Here is my plan!

Ashley Horner's Becoming Extraordinary Trainer

Ready, set ….GO!!!!!

The post Moved in! appeared first on Workout Mommy.

dinsdag 3 november 2015

Bursts of high-intensity exercise could help diabetes patients manage low blood sugar levels

People with type-1 diabetes could regain their ability to tell when blood sugar levels are low by regularly doing short bursts of high-intensity exercise, according to a preliminary study presented...

dinsdag 20 oktober 2015

Inherent mindfulness linked to lower obesity risk, belly fat

Dispositional mindfulness is one's attention to present thoughts and feelingsA study of nearly 400 people finds that those who exhibited more 'dispositional mindfulness', or awareness of and...

donderdag 15 oktober 2015

30 Benefits of Healthy Eating and Weight Loss

Healthy eating is not some buzzword concept. Its real and you should eat right most of the time. Why? Read on........

Improve your health!:

Do you want to:
  • Eat Better to be Healthier, Burn More Fat and Lose Permanent Weight?
  • Have Your BEST Looking Body Naked or in Smaller-Sized Clothes?
  • Feel Better than You have Felt in Months or Years?
  • Have the Energy to Accomplish Your Daily Goals?

Be sure and register for my FREE 5-Day Fitness and Nutrition Jumpstart!

I will coach you to transform your body and its definitely not just about weight loss. You will learn what it takes to change your lifestyle and start remaking your body a healthy, energized and lean fat-burning machine!

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES